Posts in Pregnancy
Luteal Phase Deficiency

Luteal Phase Deficiency (LPD) is also called Luteal Phase Defect, but I don't particularly like to think of the human body as "defective" so I prefer deficiency.  LPD is a hormonal condition that involves deficiency of progesterone, which makes the luteal phase (the portion of the cycle after ovulation and before menstruation) a bit too short. This may contribute to low basal body temperatures during this phase, which can make implantation and pregnancy difficult. In fact, infertility and miscarriage are common symptoms of LPD and progesterone deficiency.

If this is the first time you're hearing about LPD, then you probably have a lot of questions. What causes it? How can you tell if you have it? And what can you do to treat it? Not to worry, I'm going to break it all down for you right now.

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The Benefits of Raspberry Leaf Tea

Raspberry leaf, aka Rubus idaeus or Fu Pen Zi in Chinese medicine, happens to be one of the most common herbs I use myself and prescribe to my patients. It is a gentle yet powerful uterine tonic, it is safe in pregnancy, and when brewed as tea or an herbal infusion it's a good source of dissolved minerals.

And, you don't have to be pregnant or even a woman to benefit from this amazing herb. It also has benefits for digestion, skin, lungs, and gums. In fact, for many of it's benefits you don't even have to drink it, you can use it as a soak or add it to your bath. I'll explain how.

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Crystals for Fertility, Cycle Health & Pregnancy

As an acupuncturist I work with crystals quite a bit and since my speciality is uterine health I tend to use mostly stones that have an effect on fertility, balancing hormones, the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, or postpartum. I'll tell you about some of my favorites and if any of them call to you, they're all available in my online store

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Holistic Labor Prep

If you are pregnant and either in your third trimester or quickly approaching it, you're probably wondering what you can do to get ready for labor, stay healthy during your transition into motherhood, and to make sure the whole process moves along smoothly.

Prepping the uterus, cervix, and hips, as well as balancing hormones and calming any anxieties that may be present are all important parts of the holistic labor prep process, and I assist women through this process every day. With the proper support, you can do this and recover quickly. Let's talk about how.

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What is the Pre-birth Protocol?

As an acupuncturist who specializes in women's reproductive health, including pregnancy and postpartum, I get asked often if I attend births. I just as often surprise people to let them know that actually I don't.

It's not because I don't want to, rather, it's because I've found I can be of most use to my patients during the weeks leading up to their birth. With acupuncture, herbal medicine, and moxibustion (a Chinese medical heat therapy,) I have developed a process I call the Pre-birth Protocol - through which I help women to prepare for vaginal or surgical labor, so that when the time comes they are ready and the process moves along smoothly.

The Pre-birth Protocol is a holistic method of preparing the body for labor, but that doesn't mean you have to be a totally crunchy hippie to use it. No matter if you've planned a birth at home, in birth center, or hospital, no matter what you're feelings are about pain medications or pitocin, no matter if you're delivering with a midwife or OBGYN, you can still use the Pre-birth Protocol to help prep for your experience. Here's how.

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Morning Sickness is The Worst - How to Treat it Naturally

Morning Sickness, or the more appropriate term, early pregnancy nausea, as it can strike at anytime of the day, is a common but bothersome symptom of pregnancy that can be tricky to treat. Some women don't respond to common nausea remedies, which leaves them feeling queasy - or worse - the better part of the day, often while still trying to keep the pregnancy under wraps.

Even though early pregnancy nausea can be difficult to treat, it's not impossible. There are lots of natural treatments that may lessen or completely relieve your nausea. Most of these methods work short-term, so you have to keep up with them for them to remain effective. But typically, a combination of a few of these methods makes the first trimester all the more manageable.

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Why we need to talk about Miscarriage & Infant Loss

I treat women through all phases of their reproductive cycles. While I work with many women who have chosen to not have children, the majority of my patients are actively trying to conceive, are pregnant, or in the postpartum period. I celebrate with my patients when they get a positive pregnancy test or give birth to their child, and I grieve with them when they lose a child to miscarriage, stillbirth, or SIDS.

The process of losing a child during pregnancy or infancy can be incredibly painful, both physically and emotionally. It may involve surgery, weeks of bleeding, medication or even laboring a lost child. This is in addition to the deep grief that comes with losing a son or daughter all too soon.

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