Posts tagged implantation
Why am I Spotting?

If you’ve ever spotted before then you know it’s not like a regular menstrual flow. Spotting is very light vaginal bleeding, typically so light it doesn’t even require more than a pantyliner, if that. Sometimes it’s so light the only sign it’s even happening is a pink tinge when you wipe after peeing.

It can happen at the beginning or end of a regular period, or it may occur randomly during any other part of the cycle. For some it may even happen during pregnancy. Some spotting may be normal, while other types of spotting can be indicative of hormone imbalance or certain conditions. I’ll explain what’s going on and, if needed, how to manage your spotting.

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How to Prepare for your Embryo Transfer

Embryo transfer is part of the In vitro fertilization (IVF) process, it involves transferring 1 or more embryos that have been grown for 3-6 days back into the uterus in hopes of pregnancy resulting.

The day of embryo transfer is a big day, it's the day you could potentially become pregnant! Especially if you've been through a long journey of trying to conceive and going through IVF, sometimes it can be nerve racking to go into the next procedure not knowing exactly what to expect. But I'm here to tell you, it's not that bad!

Especially if you've already gone through egg retrieval(s) or IUI(s), you'll find the embryo transfer procedure itself a breeze. But being that it's such a crucial day in the IVF process, there are a few things you can do to prepare for, stay comfortable during, and increase the odds of success for your embryo transfer.

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Foods for Implantation

Whether you're trying to conceive naturally or with Assisted Reproductive Technologies such as IVF or insemination, implantation is a crucial point in the conception process. Implantation happens when a developed embryo (at that point it's called a blastocyst) adheres to the wall of the uterus, usually 7-10 days after ovulation.

While implantation can happen all on its own without any support, many women who have had trouble conceiving want to do whatever they can to optimize their chances of getting pregnant. In fact, I get asked from my patients all the time, "what else can I do to encourage implantation?"

Of course moderate exercise, plenty of sleep, and stress management can help, but many of my patients who are trying to conceive already do that - so what else? Diet is another big factor that can effect conception.  Let's take a look at all the foods that can help your little blastocyst lay down some roots.

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