Posts in Pain
Holistic Migraine Remedies

Let's face it, migraines suck, and sometimes medication simply doesn't do much to take the edge off. Or for some medication for migraines isn't even an option. So then what?

Sometimes holistic treatments are the only options that actually offer up relief because they can address the root of the issue rather than just treating it like a symptom. In fact, many of my patients who respond well to acupuncture don't respond as well to any other treatment method. For their sake, thank goodness these holistic remedies exist!

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IUD Got you Down?

Intrauterine devices, aka IUDs, are one of the most popular forms of birth control because they are among the most effective while also being quite low maintenance and most last several years. But as with any medical device, they can come with their fair share of side effects and symptoms.

I've spoken with hundreds of women about their experiences with IUDs, so obviously I've heard it all. It ranges from those who can barely tell they ever got it put in to those who dread every single day they have it in and ultimately end up getting it removed because it doesn't work for them. I'm not here to tell you what the right choice is for you, but if you're dealing with side effects of an IUD or you're considering getting one, then I'd like to help you deal and to feel better.

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Crystals for Fertility, Cycle Health & Pregnancy

As an acupuncturist I work with crystals quite a bit and since my speciality is uterine health I tend to use mostly stones that have an effect on fertility, balancing hormones, the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, or postpartum. I'll tell you about some of my favorites and if any of them call to you, they're all available in my online store

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Anti-inflammatory Foods - what they are & why to eat them

Many of my patients have heard about eating an anti-inflammatory diet a thousand times over, but few actually understand which foods to eat, which to avoid, the benefits to eating anti-inflammatory foods, and which conditions it works best for.

In reality, an anti-inflammatory diet is not that complicated, it mostly consists of eating minimally processed whole foods and keeping your intake of refined carbohydrates and processed fats to a minimum. Let's break it down.

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Hormonal Headaches: why you get them and how to not

Headaches and migraines can pop up at different phases of the menstrual cycle or during other hormonal shifts, such as pregnancy or menopause. They can cause a mild annoyance or ruin your whole damn day. It makes sense that hormonal changes can cause uterine pain and sore breasts, but how can hormones make your head hurt?

Hormones are signaling molecules released by the endocrine system, they travel through the blood stream and they can effect tissues all over the body, some more than others. Not only can deviations in hormones cause pain, they can also cause changes to mood, mental focus, skin, and digestion.

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What is Cupping?

Cupping is all the buzz because of the Olympics. Red and purple spots speckling the shoulders and backs of the athletes are making everyone wonder what they are doing, and why?

To anyone familiar with acupuncture and Chinese medicine, however, cupping is old news. Ancient news, in fact.

It's a massage technique that uses suction to achieve a much deeper release of the tissue. I use cupping in conjunction with acupuncture to release muscle tension, draw out toxins, and speed up recovery time. It works immediately to start improving pain and range of motion. 

Suction is usually created inside of a glass cup with a small flame, which burns off oxygen (about 20% of the air) before it is placed on the skin. Plastic cups with a hand pump are also widely used, but the former is more traditional and my personal preference.

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