Using OPKs to Pinpoint Ovulation

Whether you're trying to conceive or you want to track your cycle to better understand your body, OPKs (Ovulation Predictor Kits) are commonly used to determine when you ovulate based on hormones released by your body. They are one of my favorite ways of determining ovulation because they are fairly easy to use and pretty damn accurate, but of course they do come with a few perimeters and a bit of a learning curve.

Which ones to buy? When to test and how? And what do these tiny pee strips actually mean? I'm going to explain it all for you right now.

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How Do STIs Affect Fertility?

Many women who are trying to conceive are prepared to chart their cycle, take a prenatal vitamin, and clean up their diet, but what about the effect of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) on fertility? Some of the most common STIs can have a profound effect on getting pregnant and in some cases require treatment before conception can occur. But not to worry, I'm going to break it all down for you.

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The 4 Phases of the Menstrual Cycle

If you are trying to conceive, starting to chart your cycle, or if you just want a better understanding of the changes your body undergoes each month, understanding the 4 main phases of the menstrual cycle is a good place to start. Unfortunately there is a ton of confusion about these phases, when they happen, and what each means, especially for women with irregular cycles. But I'm here to break it all down for you!

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Anti-inflammatory Foods - what they are & why to eat them

Many of my patients have heard about eating an anti-inflammatory diet a thousand times over, but few actually understand which foods to eat, which to avoid, the benefits to eating anti-inflammatory foods, and which conditions it works best for.

In reality, an anti-inflammatory diet is not that complicated, it mostly consists of eating minimally processed whole foods and keeping your intake of refined carbohydrates and processed fats to a minimum. Let's break it down.

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Are you Terrified of Getting a Pap?

I speak with so many women about their uterine and cervical health, and it's no surprise that many are dreading - or even terrified of - their next Pap smear. It can be an uncomfortable procedure, and the topic of why we need them and how often seems to be riddled with misinformation and fear.

If you are among those who are terrified of getting their next Pap smear, I hope I can offer some tips that will make it a not-so-terrifying experience.

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Holistic Labor Prep

If you are pregnant and either in your third trimester or quickly approaching it, you're probably wondering what you can do to get ready for labor, stay healthy during your transition into motherhood, and to make sure the whole process moves along smoothly.

Prepping the uterus, cervix, and hips, as well as balancing hormones and calming any anxieties that may be present are all important parts of the holistic labor prep process, and I assist women through this process every day. With the proper support, you can do this and recover quickly. Let's talk about how.

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Considering Freezing Your Eggs? What you Need to Know

With so many women choosing to have children later in life, egg freezing (or its fancier name, oocyte cryopreservation) is becoming more and more popular. Even with its gain in popularity, I find women's views of the process tend to be riddled with misinformation and myths.

Often considered a feminist beacon of hope, egg freezing can allow women to have more control over their reproductive options, extending the window they would normally be able to get pregnant, and allowing more flexibility for when they choose to build a family. Yet so few women are accurately informed about what the whole process actually looks like, who it works best for, and how to improve their chances at successfully conceiving.

It's my mission to clear up that misinformation, debunk those myths, and give women real, actionable information about their options. That way, they can feel empowered to make informed decisions about their health.

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Blood Sugar, Insulin & Your Fertility

When I talk to my patients about which foods most dramatically affect their fertility, sugar and simple carbohydrates are one of the first topics we cover, especially because blood sugar imbalances can easily lead to endocrine and hormone imbalances. With Type II Diabetes is on the rise and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (which often involves Insulin Resistance) being the most common cause of infertility in America, I'm seeing more and more cases where diet and blood sugar levels make a huge impact on whether a woman can successfully conceive.

So let's talk about what causes these blood sugar and insulin imbalances, and what can be done to treat them.

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Holistic Postpartum Care

If you're gearing up for a new baby in your life or you've just welcomed a new addition to your family, then you've probably already done all the research about cribs and carseats, taken the baby care classes, and set up the nursery. Even with all this research, however, caring for yourself in the postpartum period may still leave you with a lot of questions.

If that's the case, I'm glad you're reading, because supporting women during the postpartum period is literally my job. The months following birth are a sensitive time, during which women need plenty of support to properly recover, but in most cases a few simple adjustments are all that's needed to help a new mom to recover quickly.

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